Stay with me and I will show you how to make the perfect hot toddy recipe for the common cold.

Easy Hot Toddy for Cold and Cough

At this time of the year, it is very easy to pick up a cough or common cold anywhere you turn to, I make sure I have 2 things in my fridge and cabinet. A bottle of whiskey or brandy, then homemade cough mixture in the fridge for my girls (like this honey and lemon drink). Both have similar ingredients apart from the alcohol added to ours. Hot toddy drink is for the other adult human (wink) and I, while the non-alcoholic cough mixture is for the girls. There are so many variations to this easy hot toddy recipes, but I tend to stick with the classic and easy to find ingredients. Do you know what else you can serve with this drink, my homemade chicken noodle soup? It will surely make you feel better!

What is Hot Toddy

A hot toddy is a hot beverage made with hot water, liquor and honey and it is usually served hot. It is classed as a Scottish drink and also called hot whiskey. If you are looking for a nightcap drink on a cold winter night, hot toddies have got your back.

Is Hot Toddy Truly Good For

Sore Throat, Cough and Cold

The simple answer is yes. Honey will soothe the back of your throat, hot water to help with cold and the lemon acts as the Vitamin C. The addition of whiskey, brandy or rum is just for pleasure; Although, there is a claim that whiskey is a great decongestant. That being said, you should drink it in moderation when using to cure a common cold and keep yourself well hydrated too. Honey, lemon and hot water work well for cold without the liquor… Just saying before you start getting ideas. More importantly, get some rest and a glass of this easy hot toddy recipe, you are guaranteed a good night’s sleep.

What Makes A Classic, Easy Hot

Toddy Recipe

To make this warm and comforting cold remedy hot beverage, you would need these four main ingredients. Hot water Whiskey or bourbon or brandy if that is what you have at hand. Fresh lemon juice Honey

Other Hot Toddy Variation


To make this winter cocktail perfect for the cold weather, you need to add some woody spices for perfect warmth. Not only do these spices have their own health benefits but they also say Christmas and holiday too. Cinnamon sticks: I didn’t add to this recipe, but it is a great addition. Cloves Star anise Lemon slices Orange slices Apple cider vinegar Black tea or green tea: swap hot water for any black tea of choice. Swap honey for maple syrup, agave nectar or any other natural sweetener of choice Use rye whiskey if having this drink cold Whiskey is the most popular to use but you may also use brandy or rum These above ingredients are optional but highly recommended for a full healing effect. You can have your cake and eat it with a hot toddy drink. The hot beverage heals your body and you enjoy the drink at the same time. Win-Win!

How to make the Best Easy Hot Toddy For Cold

Truth be told, there are no rules on how to make hot toddy cocktail but for the purpose of this post, I will provide a simple guide on how to make this classic drink. First, you need hot boiling water, about a glass or depending on how many people you are brewing for. To a mug, add few cloves and star anise then pour the hot boiling water in a mug. Add honey, lemon juice, whiskey (bourbon, brandy or rum) and stir to combine. Taste and adjust the honey and lemon to suit your taste. Enjoy hot!!

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